Common Computer Applications Used in Graphic Designing
History of Graphic Designing
William Addison Dwiggins first coined the term "Graphic Design" in 1922. Printing is one main part of Graphic Design. Printing was first invented in 6th and 7th century. Johann Gutenberg invented the Printing press in 1450. Gutenberg press produced the first book "The Incunabula". They published some of the most major graphic design products through the art movements.
Piet Mondrian is another painter from 19th century whose innovation has greatly influenced today's modern graphic designer.
Here are some career options in Graphic Design:
Logo Designer
After doing this course you can choose your career as a logo Designer. You can Join Any Company or you can work on freelance basis. Many logo designers freelance their services out and independently.
Art Director
The art director or creative director is in charge of team that produces art work for television, billboards, magazines or products.
Brand Identity Designer
Brand Identity Designer develops products and promo materials of the companies. A brand identity represents the company image. Designers choose the look, feel and use of particular items and brands.
Book Designer
Book Designers are responsible for creating book covers and all layout work in novels. Book designers are also in charge for the laying the images and text in a format that is satisfying to readers.
Technical Illustrator
Technical Illustrators conceptualize and create images, animated illustrations for TV commercials, movies and computer games.
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